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Slow Cooker Paleo Cottage Pie


I am totally excited for the upcoming Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle! Love UK history and following the Royals as they campaign for change around the world.  I think the monarchy has come along way and progressed in our ever-changing world, and they still do everything with class and grace.  

Anyway enough about my obsession with the Royal Family and let’s talk about this delectable English dish.  A lot of people would call this shepherd’s pie, but that is actually incorrect.  Traditional shepherd’s pie is made with lamb and cottage pie is made with beef.  I wanted to make this healthier and available to those that are doing the Whole 30 program or following the Paleo diet by replacing the mashed potatoes with white sweet potatoes.  The white yams give the dish a pinch of sweetness to balance the savory flavor of the filling.  A delicious one-pot meal for any night!



Beef Filling:

1 lb. lean ground beef

2 tbs. avocado oil

1 yellow onion, chopped

2 carrots, peeled and chopped

4 oz. white baby bella mushrooms, chopped

4 oz. tomato sauce

1 tbs. coconut aminos

1 tsp. dry thyme

1 tsp. dry parsley

1 tsp. garlic powder

1/2 tsp salt

Sweet Potato Filling:

2 large white sweet potatoes (golden yams), peeled, cubed, and boiled until soft

2 tbs. ghee

1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk

1/2 tsp salt

1/4 tsp pepper

1 tbs. fresh parsley, chopped for garnish


Add oil to large pan over medium-high heat.  Saute onion until soft, about 4-5 mins.  Add ground beef and cook until no longer pink. Drain and add to slow cooker.

Add carrots, mushrooms, tomato sauce, coconut aminos, thyme, parsley, garlic powder, and salt. 

Mix well. Cover and cook on low for 6-7 hours or on high for 3-4 hours.

Add boiled white sweet potatoes to large bowl and mash.  Add ghee, almond milk, salt and pepper. Mix well. 

Uncover slow cooker, spread mashed white sweet potatoes over beef mixture, cover, and cook on low for 1 hour.  Sprinkle with fresh parsley.


Rose Ziemann

I am a passionate home cook, self-taught photographer, and completely obsessed with collecting cookbooks. I’m also on an ongoing mission to find healthy recipes that my family actually enjoys.

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